Richard Arlington
RICHARD ARLINGTON Nace en 1892 en Portsmouth, Hampshire. Contrae matrimonio con Doolittle en 1913 y ese mismo año es miembro fundador de la revista Egoist. También participa con Ezra Pound en la revista Blast. Además de poesía escribe novelas y ensayos. Muere en 1962. EPIGRAMS NEW LOVE She has new leaves After her dead flowers, Like the little almond tree Which the frost hurt. ¤ ¤ EVENING The chimneys, rank on rank. Cut the clear sky; The moon, With a rag of gauze about her loims Poses among them, an awkward Venus — And here am I looking wantonly at her Over the kitchen sink. ¤ ¤ SUNSETS The white body of the evening Is torn into scarlet, Slashed and gouged arid seared Into crimson, And hung ironically With garlands of mist. And the wind Blowing over London from Flanders Has a bitter taste. ¤ ¤ INSOUCIANCE In and out of the dreary trenches Trudging cheerily under the stars I make for myself little poems Delicate as a flock of...
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