Introducción (Mundos perdidos: IV)
««This is a very difficult question: the differences and similarities between romanticism and postmodernism. But I can simplify. When a romantic talks about homelessness, he goes like this [he brings his hands to his head in a pathetic gesture]. When a post-modern talks about homelessness he says: «so, what? I am homeless, this is good». There is a tragic, heroic element in romanticism, but for a post-modern homelessness is not a bad condition. It is a way of life. postmodernism is not nostalgic, it has no nostalgia for origins, for rules, for something lost». » Ihab Hassan, «interview with Ihab Hassan», Miscelanea 2009 «This theme of homelessness is one of the big, big themes of the late 20th century and the early 21st century […]. [It] is very important to so many writers, like Sebald, Rushdie, Ishiguro, Auster», señala Ihab Hassan en una entrevista reciente (Barbancho 2009). En efecto, múltiples novelas publicadas a partir de la década de los ochenta y...
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