The publication of this book has been possible thanks to the enthusiastic work of Julia Sánchez ("Unit of design and e-publication" at the CCHS in Madrid) and Guillermo Sven Reher (Research Group "Social Structure and Territory – Landscape Archaeology", CCHS). The editorial board wants to express its gratitude to all the researchers involved directly or indirectly in the Action COST A27, particularly to the members of the Management Committee and the coordinators of the four Working Groups. The list of collaborators should include more than 150 names (see Annex 5). The Icelandic delegation must be especially mentioned for its efficient work in the organisation of the COST A27 Final Conference (September 2008), the forum where this publication has taken shape. Some members of the COST staff have played an essential role in the success of the Action, especially Francesca Boscolo, our Science Officer in the last steps of the Action, and Anna Danti, COST Science Officer when the...
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